This is my 6 year old son.
His name is Sawyer.
His misheard lyric comes at the beginning of "Missing You" on Tre. He swears Billie is calling his name "Sawyerrrrr!" after the first opening three chords. Whenever the song comes on in my car and he's in the back seat and hears Billie say it, he now raises his arms in victory and says "YESSS!" He also says it's his song because when I pick him up from school, I tell him I missed him today.
After the concerts last week he asked, "Did they play the "Sawyer Song" and "Did you ask Billie Joe if he's really saying my name?" I didn't have the heart to say, "y'know, buddy, I don't think he's saying your name". I'll just stick to the real truth which was, "No, I didn't get a chance to ask him. He was too busy singing".
Oh yeah, and I think I mentioned this before but he likes to request "It's FUN time" from the Dos CD. That's another misheard lyric I don't have the heart to tell him about.
Here he is at age 2 singing the beginning of "Letterbomb"