Does anyone remember that interview where Tré was talking about drinking a pint of Mike's piss every night? They went into a bunch of "swallowing" sexual jokes and Billie was like "Oh yeah! Tré Cool definitely swallows." Well Billie does too... Make all the sexual jokes you want about these. I know, I'm a creep.
Saw it last night too and my god it was incredible. It was really surreal seeing the album being played out, and it was all really clever with how they transitioned from song to song. It's given me an new appreciation for the album (if that's possible) and I can't stop listening to it now!
Saw it last night in Birmingham and it was AMAZING! It's really cool to hear the arrangements of Green Day songs with lush harmonies! Can anyone tell me what Theatrical Haze is? Didn't seem to be dry ice (no pun!) And adult language & situations, I'll say so! So fucking good.
Oh wow. I had a dream last night that I was walking around trying to find all these coins that people had dropped. I ended up in my dad's driveway and had a mix cd of Green Day playing while I got all the coins out of the area. X-Kid came on and I assumed I just had the snippet....and it played all the way through!!! It was AMAZING. I listened to it at least three times all the way through. the lyrics were great, the music was great. wow. I'm trying to remember all the was so real.
Hi! I'm new to the forum, and I don't know if this really counts a reference, BUT I had a presentation today in my strategies class and my teacher docked me points for saying "y'know" too much, hah.
So hello everyone!