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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2012 in all areas
Hi guys. I'm a Tokio Hotel fan as well as a Green Day fan, and I just wanted to come say that it was an honor to be competing against Green Day. I voted for TH because they changed my life and I think they need the support - at this point, nobody's questioning how great GD are. I truly love them and camped out before their opening 21st Century Breakdown show in Seattle to make front row, still have Mike Dirnt's pick, and think they could play the pants off any band in live concert. I know a lot of TH fans acted badly during the contest - what can you do, there are some immature fans. But I know a lot of us were proud just to stand in the same round with Green Day, and there would have been no shame in losing to you guys. So I want to apologize for any crap or drama you've seen from TH fans and thank you all for a good round. Hey, basketball teams shake hands after the game is played, why shouldn't fandoms? Peace and music.21 points
I found there was a 'Hot Guy' thread on the TH forum. I just had to do this, I couldn't resist:17 points
I think it's time for good old BJ quote: There's nothing wrong with being a loser, it just depends on how good you are at it.16 points
Well we fought bravely men. But as you can see, music taste has absolutely nothing to do with who wins an internet poll. We will fight bravely next year to show these aliens that we are not defeated...15 points
14 points
If we won, then If we lost, Outside I'd be all: But inside:12 points
okay fuck. Maybe we lost, but hey. If the rumor is true that the cheated, we know that we are the true champs.. At least we ended up with dignity, not having to win by cheating. Green Day wouldn't be proud of us if we won because of cheating. Heads up guys, we are still the best and most honest fan base in the world. Plus, all the memories that we've shared through the voting, the sleepless nights, stress and etc... I think it's worth it. We had the time of our lives voting HONESTLY for our one favorite band. But I smell something of a grudge from MTV... The author is biased in some points of the articles. Meh, it's just a poll from MTV, WE KNOW WHO'S THE BEST BAND AND WHO HAS THE BEST FAN BASE IN THE WORLD. For me, we won guys.11 points
btw. I asked cleverbot about MMM and this happened: now I continue voting...9 points
Don't be harassing other forums. We don't like it when people do it to us, we shouldn't do it to them. It sucks that we didn't win - but it's alright. We did a really good job and we made it to the finals despite going up against some heavy competition. We won one last year, and more importantly, a lot of you made friends and had fun talking with new people over the last month and nearly 6000 posts.8 points
8 points
Yes. This is the main point. GD have a new album and a tour coming out this year. Fuck an internet poll. Let's go have some real fun!8 points
62 guests wow. okay, going on the assumption that you're TH fans, here's billie joes ass. If you're not compelled to vote for green day now, you're lying to yourself.8 points
Like everyone else, now this is over I don't know what to do I'd just like to thank you guys for the fun and laughs on this thread, I'm having a totally shit time with my relationship right now and if I hadn't been hanging out on here I'd have felt like crap all day. Instead I was a bit concerned about my lack of a life, but not wanting to die. So thanks, guys7 points
Oh. Oh well. We fought fairly through the whole thing and did our absolute best. It was fun. If they're happy with a result from cheating, that's up to them. We were never dishonest and at least we can be proud of that. I'm a bit pissed off that I spent a lot of my time voting just for them to cheat, but it doesn't matter. Next year, guys! And I feel better about spamming their forum now.7 points
~waiting for the results~ appropriate gifs are appropriate.6 points
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I've got on my most comfy pants, nice fuzzy socks, and my favorite Green Day shirt. I've got lots of caffeine, my own laptop, and most importantly nothing better to do with my time. The aliens better be ready, they are dealing with a professional idiot.6 points
that would just be so hilarious, they should make the biggest entance ever and the mtv people would be like "why are you here" and billie would say "someone told me there was a trophy with my name on it, i'm here to pick it up"5 points
Let them have this one, guys. It's probably the biggest award of their entire career.5 points
Just a reminder of what Green Day truly stands for/means... and they didn't even campaign...5 points
5 points
As one last sign of affection, I've replaced that Tokio Hotel pic they posted from my hacked account with a totally gorgeous substitute. http://www.tokiohote...Thread!/page270 I'd really like to get in that "Billie Joe moaning" video somewhere, but oh well. I'll leave that till we've won. And if anyone wants to use that account the password is now the couple name for Billie and Tre followed by JOS' alter ego5 points
It's not supposed to be spam guys. I know I'm being a dumpy downer here but lets at least try to keep it on topic. We can celebrate with Billie gifs when we win.5 points
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Op. It's "National Tell a Lie Day". I can't help but half-hope that Mtv's celebrating.4 points
You better enjoy your victory, you know in the grammys...oh wait, Tokio Hotel has never been nominated for that.4 points
4 points
I just want a tweet from Billie saying we're winners anyways and it'll all be okay4 points
I bet the only reason we lost is cause we won last year. Rigged as fuck.4 points
Yeah guys, be nice, we don't want them coming in here and doing the same thing, that'll be a lot of mess for the mods to clean up, and also we're going to look pretty silly if we lose.4 points
4 points
I bet the people at MTV are watching all these votes come in and are wondering why we don't do anything more productive with our lives.4 points
NO MORE POSTS IN THIS THREAD UNTIL IT'S OVER. just vote. Although, i do want to say, that no matter what happens, I had the time of my life voting with you guys in this thread Now let's kick some tokio motel ass!4 points
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4 points
I just gave you another one. (That's what she said..BAH!) Oh, and to the Tokio Hotel fans spying on this forum: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1440&bih=690&tbm=isch&tbnid=RUSLPumRbLhKUM:&imgrefurl=http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mikey-wilson-middle-finger-kid&docid=Z-lUBPa1nx5bRM&imgurl=http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/003/853/MIDDLE_FINGER_CHILD.jpg&w=288&h=282&ei=Qr97T4LAJ-bU2AWYzvWZAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=429&vpy=333&dur=163&hovh=222&hovw=227&tx=137&ty=188&sig=104805372685749018894&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:04 points
This is so stressful. Fuck Tokio and all their Hotels.4 points
Yeah, GDA is hostage again thanks to Bryony reminding me (I nearly forgot). Getting ready to send out a tweet/facebook update. Will do another close to closing time.3 points