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  1. Annie, get your gun

    Annie, get your gun


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  2. A song for the lovers

    A song for the lovers


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  3. Elena



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  4. Satan



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2012 in all areas

  1. Dear principal, Sorry, we - all Green Day fans all over the world - can never join school again due to all the new holidays that are made for Green Day fans. These holidays are very important and that's why we can't attend school on these days. They're as important as Christmas and on Christmas we never had to go to school, so we also can't go on all these important Green Day holidays. sincerly yours, Elena ;D
    3 points
  2. I'm eagerly waiting to see if they present at the Grammys and if they announce anything there like with 21CB. If that doesn't happen, then I'll go back into eternal purgatory mode until they decide to grace me with information.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. It's funny how NO ONE notices the lines of coke in the background........
    1 point
  5. Oh my good god today was just... - Matt recognized us again, and gave us a little tongue action - had a staring contest with Van during the final monologue - Van marched right over and soloed for Aska and I during Good Riddance - Kobak looking on adoringly as I cried during Whatsername and even harder during Good Riddance - Talia cried with me at the end, and hi-5'd me after the final bow - Talking with Kobak, Talia and Jake after the show
    1 point
  6. Perfect. This is gonna convince him. Thank you very much
    1 point
  7. The new album came out today. I am a troll. I like the photo in Jimmy's sig.
    1 point
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