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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2011 in all areas

  1. I wish we had a sharper look on that sheet of paper on the wall of the Hybrid Moments video. It looks like it could be a list of songs. That second paper (the right one) even looks like it has numbers before everything (like 1. xxxxx, 2. xxxx, 3. xxxx) which could be a track list.
    9 points
  2. But then the video will be on the internet! Everyone will be able to watch it!! A PERVERT COULD SEE YOU!! parents.
    3 points
  3. Okay, so I skipped school and I'm now ready to buy the fucking tickets. If they add more shows I just hope the closing night will be on a weekend. And then I'll fly to London for both weekends. Just don't dare to not attend the final show mr Armstrong, because then I'LL FUCK YOUR LIFE!
    2 points
  4. Guys, I´ll buy tickets for the 9th ... fuck the last show - already got tickets for the 8th. I actually also think that there will come more dates in London anyway.
    2 points
  5. New pic from greenday.com
    2 points
  6. They had the first 6 songs on myspace as a free download. I downloaded those in December '07, and the actual record came out in April '08. I think it was announced somewhere in February they were going to release a whole record. So we still had to wait about two months for (rest of) the music.
    1 point
  7. 12th row in the evening of the 8th and 2nd row in the evening of the 9th - I´m happy. It seems that the 2nd tow on the 9th will be the Germany/Austria-row ... about 12 people from Germany and Austria I know have tickets there Now just let us hope for tourdates outside of London ... I really hope that the 9th will be the last show.
    1 point
  8. So i've decided i'm not going to buy any tickets - yet (lol as if I actually can anyway). Because who knows when they might decide to add dates or what they have in mind. I'm gonna let it ride for a while - there's a whole year left yet. Also, i've been to the Apollo in London - I was on the second section of the balcony and I can safely say it was still an awesome view. You got a view of the whole stage and the place isn't massive, so you don't have to worry about being too high up if heights bother you. If I do go i'd actually be really pleased sitting on the balcony as you'd get a great view of everything from there.
    1 point
  9. Whenever it happens, I'd like some notice...need to get my finances in order for a new album cycle.
    1 point
  10. I can see another announcement at the Grammy's since they are in February
    1 point
  11. 1 point
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