I loved seeing the former cast members in the audience...
Johnny, Stark, Tony, Christina, Mary, Theo, Sean Wing, Joshua Kobak, PJ, Corbin... Esper came in at some point because I talked to him after the whole thing.
I had to watch them during certain songs.
Mary was in love during "Favorite Son" with Joshua Henry.
Stark & Christina were sitting next to each other and were holding hands during the whole flying scenes.
Christina, Mary & Corbin were fist pumping during "Letterbomb," which got a standing ovation.
Johnny, who was wearing his glasses, was crying during "Wake Me Up When September Ends."
All of them were excited during "St. Jimmy," even Tony in his quiet little way.
When they were getting all of them on stage, there aren't actual steps to the stage so they had to climb on the front row seats. Mary, Christina & Corbin all had dresses. Corbin lost her shoe getting up there & Mary showed me her bruise afterwards that she got from the climbing. LOL. Everyone was getting drinking on stage & just having a blast.
It was kinda madness after the show, but since they were all going to Sardi's, they passed my friends & I and we were able to gets hugs and talk to some of them. Ira, who's one of the main producers, gave me a hug & a kiss on the forehead. He's a sweetie.
*sighs* Night for the ages.