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  1. 8 points
  2. 5 points
  3. I rallied while at work [now] and put up 90 of the 170 pictures that I have from last night on a flickr account. I'll put the complete set up on Facebook later tonight (much later): http://www.flickr.com/photos/60134925@N08/ If you want to use them somewhere, please let me know, send me a link, and link my blog (www.thatgirlallison.com). Enjoy!
    3 points
  4. Hey Hey. Pictures I took at the Alta Loma Dr Strange Records Hang Out and the Troubadour and Viper Room shows. I hope you enjoy! I adore the red hair and glasses. Really.
    2 points
  5. Last night was amazing. Simply amazing. The energy from the audience was amazing. The cast was brilliant and powerful. I'm not gonna lie, I cried for about, 86% during the performance. I started to cry when American Idiot came on. But, when Wake Me Up When September Ends came on, I cried harder but when We're Coming Home Again came on, I lost it. Everybody around me was crying and the lady next to me was crying and we held hands it was great. And it hit me when John was saying his final monologue for Whatsername that he wasn't gonna be there anymore and I felt really sad but, I was still happy at the same time. On a happier note, Favorite Son was great. In my crazy ass mind, for a split second, I thought the dildo was real. I was like, "Esper, what are you doing over there?!" but, then I realized what it was and I was like, "Oh...okay. This is awesome." And when Billie didn't give Johnny the drugs during "When It's Time" and Johnny had to reach up to get it, made me laugh as well. All in all, last night was bittersweet. Will has left his couch, Johnny has left Jingletown and St. Jimmy blew his brains out into the bay. I'm still a little sad and emotional but, I'm happy that they're doing other things. Michael, John and Billie will be missed. These are amazing. Thank you so much! I'm not gonna lie, I had to stop looking when I got up to the third page cause I was about to start crying. Nothing wrong with crying, I just don't wanna cry in Dunkin Dounts.
    2 points
  6. It was great that before the show started instead of just announcing 'The role of St. Jimmy will be played by Billie Joe Armstrong" that they also announced Esper and Johnny as Will and Johnny, respectively. The entrance applause for Esper was ridiculous. Like 3 minutes long. And I officially hate Stark for his 'I fuckin' love you guys' in JOS. Not to mention his special riff that he does only for Esper. Heh. There was the dildo and Billie leading the sing-along after 'St. Jimmy.' Plus Alysha's "dreamaboutit" at the end of TMTS. However, no real special changes. Ooo... Becca peeking out of the covers and then going back underneath them before Novacaine was adorable. And Billie not wanted to give Johnny the drugs before "When It's Time" so Johnny slowly raised his hand to grab it. Cute, too. Have to say, Billie was a crying mess during both shows yesterday during "When It's Time." Since Johnny doesn't really have an entrance, people gave him applause during "Whatsername" which was strange but it worked. Encore was the encore. I'm sure several videos are out there. After the show was crazy outside but not as bad as I thought it would be. Most of the cast when out the glass doors to head to the after party. I was told Tre was there last night as well. Michael was the second to last to come out and he signed & took pictures & gave hugs for most of the people before heading off to meet up with his family. Johnny did the stagedoor thing last night but he did sign really quickly before leaving with his family. If any of you London peeps see someone who looks like Johnny wandering around over there, it might just be him. He's heading over there soon for Jerusalem rehearsals.. The next big date will be March 13th which is Davey's, Wallace's and another cast member's last. Hopefully an announcement will be made soon...
    2 points
  7. I know I had a moment myself of sheer emotional upset after American Idiot last night, that I'm not going to go into, and I had to talk myself down also. It happens to us all. Just gotta dig your way out of it, and remember that good shit happens to everyone at least once. Hopefully.
    2 points
  8. I understand the jealousy from afar feeling. Even though I was lucky enough to see Billie once, I really would have liked to have seen the last performance. Even so, I am still very happy for those that did have the opportunity. It's still a shared experience even if it was on different dates.
    2 points
  9. Aw no its not sexist! I've used the term fangirls on boys too, it just seems appropriate a lot of the time! I suppose you don't have to be a girl to be a fangirl. No offence taken! Just been looking through an album of photos from the GDC meet up with Billie and the rest in NY. Aside from the obvious jealousy, I think its so cool that it gave Billie and the rest a chance to interact with fans on a more personal basis, not just screaming fans begging to get onstage or for an autograph. Like there's one photo where Tony (greendaytone) and Billie are standing beside each other. They both have pints in their hands and aren't even looking at each other. I'm not sure why that particular image stood out for me but its so cool that they were relaxed enough around each other to just hang out, no big deal.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Nice photos, Allison! And people, the show's not over yet! We've got months to go before it really closes! Cheer up, everyone! :dance:
    1 point
  12. Well, he does have to go KICK SOME MAJOR MOTION PICTURE ASS. that could very well be his next "out of the box" fear-finding experience. i sure hope so.
    1 point
  13. I've been feeling this also. His dedication to the show, crazy respect for the cast and crew and creative team...hell, he's even gone to their solo gigs. And been in awe of peoples' talent. I'm glad he's been so inspired by the whole American Idiot process. I know I'll take him back any time.
    1 point
  14. i know...who doesnt want to sit on billie joe's lap listening to him read goodnight moon while getting their hair stroked. goodnight billie joe. goodnight tre. goodnight mike. goodnight bill schneider. goodnight jason white. goodnight jeff matika. goodnight jason freese. im not the only one that thinks they all live together in a big house like the waltons, right?
    1 point
  15. my bad! you are so correct. my apologies for the sexist comment. the cycle of the fantard
    1 point
  16. its mike its from a video *print screen lol * but i have to hes so hot
    1 point
  17. I understand what your emotional cycle is about this. I know it's difficult for so many who want to be at crazy events but can't get there due to finances and circumstances. And it's easy to feel all sorts of emotions in regards to it. These emotions are to be expected, for sure, it's just how we handle them and then let them go to enjoy that the moments happened and to live vicariously through others. It's ok to dwell on yourself in these moments, as long as you (and not just you, but all of us) can let it go in the end and just be happy. I think when more people came it did get a little fangirly, but it seems that he was at least able to have a beer, so that's all good. Plus I heard that he was throwing a private party, so he had to run off quickly anyway. It was so awesome of all of them to show up!
    1 point
  18. Thanks! In some songs it is very difficult to understand lyrics... I'm not English neither American so... Sometimes I say something strange... For example: in American Idiot, I was singing "the soap opera might fuck America" instead of "the subliminal mind fuck America" and (oh my God ) "all across the any another nations" instead of "all across the alienation" before I read the correct lyrics! Ahahah!
    1 point
  19. ^stop stalking me!
    1 point
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