Haha no, it makes perfect sense. It'll be interesting to see him do the job, but I don't want the importance of St. Jimmy to be forgotten. At this rate, people are only gonna care about Jimmy because ______ celebrity's currently playing him, and not because of who he really is in the story.
Christina is actually leaving the evening of the 26th, not the 27th.
There will be no more standby so Chase, Dec and Ben will all be first covers.
I was told that there'll be a time next month where Van will be going on for Will because Justin & Dec will be out and the 2nd cover wouldn't have learned the track yet. Chase!Johnny will happen. But that's just a passing word.
I totally disagree with all of the casting haters. I love having them mix it up a bit and I love seeing what different people can do with the roles. The idea that they should just stick to 'Broadway actors' is a bit lame. Keep things interesting.
I'm looking forward to Chase!Johnny... whenever that'll happen.
Also, for those who are sad that all the original cast is leaving, there's a strong rumor that an original cast member is returning. Let's just say this person was a Favorite.