My question is wondering when the website will gain the functionality you guys need to be able to plan and gather and better organize. It's too split right now. There's a dedicated site, but the majority of traffic seems to still be through GDC. And a single thread here isn't the way to make this grow and easily plan all these different events. Don't forget, right now all this is happening behind a wall - only registered users can see any of this thread, and even then, having 1000+ posts in a single thread makes it hard for passerby's to know what's going on. You guys need a forum dedicated to this - and place that can attract and encourage fans to participate. Sorta like, you need to pull it all together rather than be scattered across GDC, Facebook, and the dedicated site. Maybe a forum would be good for organizers, but definitely need a solid 'directory' of all the events, and at what stage of the planning process you guys are at for each one - and specifics on how people can help.
There's just a lot that could be done here to better organize Green Day fans together.