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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/10/2011 in all areas

  1. More new ones! Haha what a stud From : http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/welcome-to-a-new-kind-of-tension-billie-joe-armstrong-on-his-american-idiot-role/
    6 points
  2. From here http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/10/theater/10idiot.html?_r=3&ref=theater and here http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2011/01/10/theater/IDIOT.html
    5 points
  3. At last, many many new pictures! In a moment I may have run out of rep. I wanted to give even more ... Oh yes I think the same, be optimistic ! It was my intention! You're very welcome! ______
    3 points
  4. More pics here http://broadwayworld.com/article/Photo_Coverage_American_Idiot_Celebrates_300th_Performance_20000101
    2 points
  5. Oh my God.. I just slept a hour or something like that school in 2 hours... BUT... I watched this freaking interview with BJA & Michael LIVE!!!! with my friend lol we were just like little fangirls but I swear,the best part was,when Billie said,that he came out with a spider man costume one time he couldnt stop to laugh afterwards. He was pretty hilarious while the whole interview I hope,the Video will be posting soon! Jere are some awesome screens .. (some from tumblr,some from my friend,some mine..) (fuck yeaaa )
    2 points
  6. I asked the first question during the audience Q&A part of the event tonight at the NYT talk-back, and I'm sorry if anyone thought it was a lame question, but I had to ask what made him [bJA] go and jump off the stage after 'St. Jimmy' last night. He said he just wanted to keep the show fresh, and keep the audience and cast on their feet. I think before the show he said that the cast had been told just to 'hold' after the song was over - but I'm not clear on whether the cast knew what he was going to do or if they were just told 'something's going to happen, just hold.' I was really afraid I was going to slur my words while at the microphone. And I heard some snotty girls behind me ask, 'what the hell is she doing? why is she sitting there?' when i sat on the steps in front of the mic before they officially opened up the Q&A session (I had been to another event there and knew it was basically a free-for-all with the Q&A from the audience). Well, ladies, eat me. Sorry, was that really mean? I apologize if it was anyone from GDC. I was mildly intoxicated yesterday/night (and today I'm mildly hungover, ugh).
    2 points
  7. Nice! I only got this one.. I obviously didn't try that hard
    2 points
  8. That he did! I was sitting in the front row, on the right, with Allison. When he jumped off the stage, it was right in front of me, and then he walked off to the lobby and grabbed the bottle. When Billie Joe was coming back down the aisle he was heading my way and I was wondering how he was going to get back onstage. It's a little high. We sorta looked at each for a second and I could tell he was about to use my chair to heave himself up. But then I mentally flashed back to the Foxboro Hot Tubs show from Don Hill's, when he crowdsurfed and then got back onstage, and I was helping him get his knee over the stage, but he stumbled a bit and his kneecap hit the corner of the monitor, and I could tell it hurt. He actually laid on the floor for a good few minutes after that, singing. So, I thought to myself, I can make up for that, lol! So, he put the bottle on the stage, stepped on my chair armrest, heaved himself up, and I gave him a helping hand by grabbing his leg and pushing him upward. And then I couldn't stop laughing, so I missed him actually cracking the bottle open and taking a swig. And no, I did not grab his ass!
    2 points
  9. Sorry, but I need to do this again. I love him & his smilie faces!
    1 point
  10. Pics I took yesterday.
    1 point
  11. Loving all the new pictures I had this one stuck in my head all through my exam this morning, kind of distracting
    1 point
  12. Hey my parents own a screen printing and embroidery shop. I'd be happy to help out with any t-shirt printing, or patches or whatever. I made the Wembley/GDC shirts if you saw those. and since it's my parents shop and a charity thing, I could get a discount. lemme know
    1 point
  13. There's a new article from the New York Times, its pretty awesome! Haha http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/welcome-to-a-new-kind-of-tension-billie-joe-armstrong-on-his-american-idiot-role/ The pictures are great too
    1 point
  14. Don't know if they've been posted here yet.
    1 point
  15. ^ FUCKING WOW < wtf M.M. *Why Billie looks like if someone has punched him? *I like his t-shirt
    1 point
  16. more from American Idiot's 300th performance
    1 point
  17. He's so thin in the new pictures...but it's good to see him ! Here in Hungary so fog, that doesn't seems the neighboring house, I cough since two weeks, it's all so depressing... I don't want sadness here, so now I posting grinning Billie Joe, hoping that this cheers up everyone a little bit. and a short vid. just because he laughs.
    1 point
  18. i have lots of wonderful news to share with everyone when i get back from NYC. tonight i talked with billie and adie and they are both super excited about what we are all doing with the environment thing. Billie said he had a press conference to go to and he said he said we wanted talk more tomorrow at AI matinee and Times Talks. He was so happy about this.He seems very honored with what we are doing. he said he'd sign some stuff for the auction too. Billie and Adie are very excited about it I gave billie his shirt and some extra flyers. He was very impressed that his fans would do that. I tell more when i get home I'm sure there will be a lot more to tell everyone by they I gave him the ribbon from my purple heart (not my acutal purple heart medal) but the ribbon that came with it to wear with class A's. I thank it touched him so much that I gave him something that is so important to me. He was like wow this is so awesome. It such an important gift that very few people would part with. He made a joke that maybe he should swallow it, i guess so it would be with him always or become a part of him or something...idk But he kept thanking me and hugging me. He was very honored that I gave it to him. he said he will keep it always. thanks,dawn71
    1 point
  19. WOW! That is great I love when they do something that wasn't planned in advance! Like when Billie said "Ik been haben eine grose schniedelwudz" thursday instead of "We don't need no stinking badges", it was so funny XD Especially when I realized what it meant
    1 point
  20. That's awesome! ^ Has anyone posted this yet? http://www.zimbio.com/pictures/9qx8NQU38XC/American+Idiot+Broadway+300th+Performance
    1 point
  21. Found some new ones (at least they were posted yesterday and they're not on the forum to my knowledge) They were in honor of the 300th show, which is tonight?
    1 point
  22. So the show tonight was really wicked awesome. LOTS of energy! The best part was after [the song] "St. Jimmy" ended, BJA jumped offstage, walked up the house right aisle out into the bar area, where he grabbed a brand-new bottle of Jack Daniels, walked back onto stage, used Tanya and her seat for support getting back up onto stage, opened the bottled, took a sip or two & then continued on with the scene, and show. Everyone in that theatre (and onstage) was, I think, stunned. And during Good Riddance, he played back to back with Michael Esper and eventually pushed Esper to be playing on the floor and he refused to get up, LOL. Before GR, he thanked the cast, crew, producers, fans, etc for helping the show make it to the 300th performance. It was sweet!
    1 point
  23. -1 points
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