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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2010 in all areas

  1. The cast doesn't 'stagedoor' before the show. However, if you catch one of them heading in or hanging out outsider (and they're not rushing or on the phone or something), you can approach them and talk to them. Since Johnny rarely stagedoors, before the show is actually your better chance of seeing him. If there's a matinee before the show you're seeing, then the cast will be stagedooring after that show so you can catch them that way, too.
    2 points
  2. This is the perfect occasion to post this, so merry Christmas everyone
    2 points
  3. I couldn't stay away from this forum any longer sidf;resf;oj
    1 point
  4. You'll be fine... I don't think each day is going to be as chaotic as last time. There are 50 shows. The only ones that are going to be crazy are probably...Jan 1st and 2nd... Jan 9 @ 3p.m because most people are going to the show before the lecture.... Feb 17th and Feb 27th because it's Billies Bday and the last show date.
    1 point
  5. Pretty much looks like that. It got way more crowded after that. That was like right when the show ended.
    1 point
  6. Oh my god, I never thought I would be able to go but I got two tickets today for Christmas I cried forever I'm so happy going next saturday First time in New York! I have some questions (sorry if these have already been answered) 1. What do I wear? Like is it formal? 2. How can I try to meet the cast? 3. Do people sing along during the musical, or will I look like an idiot D:
    1 point
  7. someone posted here that in homecoming, he/she thought it was "after ten coups of coffe and BACON!" When i read it, it made me laugh so today, i was listening to homecoming again and when that part of the lyrics came on, i could totally hear "bacon", too! i was suddenly laughing really hard because of that and everyone looked at me
    1 point
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