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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2010 in all areas

  1. Oh god. I can overlook this thread now, thanks. Hahahahaha.
    1 point
  2. My first post in the new thread : I hope you like it. I like it.
    1 point
  3. Okay girls, it's official. Billie Joe Armstrong is the SEXIEST most GORGEOUS human god has ever created and will ever creat. Yup. No doubt about that. He's just so amazing that it hurts.
    1 point
  4. I'm surprised nobody has reported on the Saturday night and Sunday matinee shows! Saturday night Theo COMPLETELY forgot the last line to the first verse of TMTS ("its now her occupation that she's overqualified") and instead started singing the first line of the song again. About four words in, he realized his mistake and just began singing sort of random syllables and finished the line with "qualified". It was hilarious. I was impressed that Alysha didn't react to it at all. But I talked to her after the show, and she hadn't heard it happen but had instead found Libby doubled over in laughter backstage right before Alysha went on. Her little vocal riff at the end of that song was one I've never heard her do before, and it was FANTASTIC. Probably my favorite of all the ones I've heard her do. Then on Saturday during JoS, Ben dropped the backpack but he managed to cover it just fine and throw it to Declan. Who then proceeded to way overshoot the throw to Esper and throw it straight off the stage and into the aisle by the front row. An audience member just threw it right back up though, lucky for Esper. Although I must say, Esper's face at realizing what had just happened was pretty funny. He completely managed to react in character though. I think some of audience didn't even realize anything had gone truly wrong. OH and I met Michael Mayer for the first time Sunday afternoon! Just ran into him as I was heading into the lobby after the show. Nobody had noticed him, so I just said hi and showed him my AI tattoo (the heart/cross St. Jimmy symbol). He seemed really enthralled with it and drew one right next to where signed my playbill. It was really nice getting to chat with him, I have so much respect for him as an artist. Ok. Excessively long post is over now.
    1 point
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