Hey'all, you know that concert at the Fox Theater they did last year for 21CB and filmed it in HD?! I got bored and screenshot the hell out of the HD video...
Here is a link to the whole album of screenshots: http://img514.imageshack.us/g/foxcaptre08.jpg/
But for your viewing pleasure right now... Beej...
I did something for the logo hope you like it^^ ofc we can change the name on the bottom it was just the first I came to think of hope you like it^^
and its gonna be edited xD
He totally looks like Booger from Revenge of the Nerds so cute!
Omfg, this is totally offtopic but I just found out that Boogers real name is Curtis ARMSTRONG! :lol: Omg, that's so funny xD maybe they have something familiar xD