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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2010 in all areas

  1. sorry... uhm... really... ... sometimes i say the first thing that comes in my mind... BILLIE'S FAULT!
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Billie is getting more and more beautiful
    1 point
  4. I am still in shock After AI tonight I was just setting in my wheelchair doing nothing & this guy walks up to me and asked "are you the medic?" I said yes. He said I am th drummer from AI and I want to give you these drum sticks and I think he thanked me for my service or something to that affect. He said he reads the Boards. So I am assuming he read about me being a medic in the Army & getting deployed and injured & in this wheelchair now. Later Starks talk to me for a while he is so sweet. He didn't try and talk down to me he got down on his knees down to my level and talked then he signed my drum sticks for me. What an awsome guy. I will put pics up later someone is supposed to email them to me. what a night. Next hoping to run into Billie and get that hug I have waited 19 years for . Its been almost 2 decadeds since I saw Green Day for the first time in Tampa in 1991. So far this trip has been a dream eacept for I am stuck in the last row in the wheelchair section and due to catching shrapnel in my eye whils on deployment I don't see all that great. Who knows with the great things that have happened maybe just maybe I will get that hug. I know I'm just dreaming. But I love to dream because where there is a dream there is always hope, and let's face it the world would be a pretty sorry place without hope. Anyways what a fanfuckingtastic night Edit: I wanted the drummer to sign the drum sticks too. but I was in suck shock and he left so quick. It's all a blur. I have 2 more nights so hoping to get him to sign them too. It would be nice to get all the cast and Billie Joe to sign too. I am on cloud nine. Now I just need that hug from Billie I have waited almost 2 decades for and I'd be past cloud nine, I'd be up in the stratosphere somewhere
    1 point
  5. aaaah didn't that feel gooood?? love the way he says that! oh god, give me a boyfriend who moans like that
    1 point
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