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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/01/2025 in all areas

  1. I’m never going to get over the lack of a proper film of the musical with Billie in it. I love Broadway Idiot but it doesn’t give us the full performance, which we know he completely nailed.
    14 points
  2. Regardless of the quality of the other nominations, The Beatles winning a Grammy in 2025 is a naff gimmick, especially when AI had to be used to lift Lennon's voice from an ancient tape. No, that's not quite the same as someone using AI to write a song, but as far as I'm concerned no art is 'legit' if AI is involved in its creation.
    13 points
  3. 4 February 2025 On this day 27 years ago (4 February 1998), Green Day played Ancienne Belgique in Brussels, Belgium on the Nimrod Tour. 32 years ago (4 February 1993), Green Day played Emo's in Houston, TX. More photos (by juarezma on Flickr): 5 February 2025 On this day 8 years ago (5 February 2017), Green Day played the FirstDirect Arena in Leeds, England on the Revolution Radio Tour. I wasn't supposed to go to this show either Someone on Twitter was selling a pit ticket for face value and I was already in Manchester, so I got the train to Leeds and sprinted off to the arena. Not sure why I bothered running when I was going to get there at doors anyway, but the barrier was so long that I did get onto the end. The recap I wrote back then: 'In all honesty, I hadn’t slept for days and I was exhausted, my ribs were bruised from Paris and I was panicking about the Manchester queue. The crowd initially seemed unresponsive too, until Billie roared "I want to hear your loud English voices!" and it was as if we all woke up. I was no longer tired and it was a surreal experience, being back where it all began for me, in arenas in England. Because there is no experience like Green Day in England. There’s no energy like this, no atmosphere like this, anywhere else. To be one of those voices, a collective voice so loud it feels like it could shake the bowels of the earth – it’s surreal. I’m not at all patriotic, but Billie screaming "fuck you I’m from ENGLAND!" at the top of his lungs in Youngblood, then thanking us for welcoming him home was something else. They also played Armatage Shanks and I may have temporarily died (of happiness, obviously).' More photos: 20 years ago (5 February 2005), Green Day played the Brighton Centre in Brighton, England on the American Idiot Tour. More photos: 27 years ago (5 February 1998), Green Day played the Live Music Hall in Cologne, Germany on the Nimrod Tour. 31 years ago (5 February 1993), Green Day played Club Clearview in Dallas, TX. This will be my last post in here for a bit. I'm very sad to have to leave it when I'm so close to finishing the project, but I'm so busy and stressed that I'm on the verge of a meltdown (not looking for sympathy, just explaining) and then I'll be away without my laptop for a while. If people are interested I can post the stuff I'll miss when I've got more time. Otherwise I'll resume the project when I can, probably in mid-March. I have prepared over a month of stories and posts for the GDA Instagram. They're not as in depth but they do give some information.
    12 points
  4. Some first pics from Getty Images Will post more later
    12 points
  5. 11 points
  6. Thought this perhaps belonged in here. Don't know if Alice Baxley has posted this one before
    11 points
  7. I can go with RS winning, their age shouldn’t matter at all as long as the humans are still making music - just my opinion, but the Beatles record is a complete fake and that I object to. Surely the likes of the Grammies should be trying to protect actual musicians and artists and not grouping AI/faked “music” alongside human performance but I guess with the amount of shit already out there that that boat has sailed! On a positive note, if you have to lose, losing to the Beatles and the Stones is no shame. I’ve never heard of St Vincent before, will need to look them up. As already said, the guys looked great and had fun on the red carpet.
    11 points
  8. More pics Love the faces Billie pulls
    11 points
  9. I cross stitched Drunk Bunny onto my hoodie. Right as I was finishing the last stitch, I realized I was finishing it on Billie's birthday.
    9 points
  10. I like how he exclusively records these videos seemingly immediately upon waking up.
    9 points
  11. Billie this makes no damn sense. How the fuck do you look so good and you're gonna turn 53 in 2 weeks?!! Oh I have confession...so my bf got a haircut a few weeks ago, but his hair grows really fast. It's been growing in and lately, his hair has been floofy...dare I say...Billie levels of floof?? I was looking at him from the side and he had a tuft of hair curl out the front and I thought "That's just like Billie!! It's so cute!!" Of course, I didn't tell him To give you an idea...he's got a tuft of floof that curls up like this:
    9 points
  12. If it's any consolation they all looked fit as fuck on the carpet. (Not the point, but ey, whatevs)
    9 points
  13. Yep, can't wait for tomorrow. It will be my son's first Green Day show! My first Green Day concert was in 1996, I am so excited I get to take him to his first one tomorrow! I can't believe it has been 29 years since my first Green Day concert.
    8 points
  14. A good reason to obey when Billie tells us to put phones away: I recorded Good Riddance so I was trying to put my phone back in my bag afterwards, assuming the band had cleared off, and almost completely missed him doing this... and he was fucking staring at me too He got up right after I looked up. I can't believe I pretty much missed it!
    8 points
  15. Really hoping they keep the extra Saviours tracks in for the European dates this summer!
    8 points
  16. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/1UkxvJAVWr/
    8 points
  17. Great news guys. They've changed their mind. GreenDay.fm is NOT CLOSING https://greenday.fm/
    8 points
  18. It's one of the security guys This one from Alice Baxley
    8 points
  19. Bunkface is out. Just announced by LiveNation MY.
    8 points
  20. On Feb 1, LNOE had 170,000 daily plays. It went up to 224,000 a day later.
    8 points
  21. Oh my god it really is the same thing every time. It sucks that it's in every comment section but it's just cringe Trump worshippers who were never fans. It's not people who used to like them changing their opinion it's just haters and people who know nothing about them getting exposed to posts about them when they wouldn't have in the past because of how shitty the Facebook algorithm is now purposely ragebaiting people to comment by showing them things their demographic might dislike. The lesbian comment is so stupid because they wouldn't even consider it an insult since they're not bigoted losers.
    8 points
  22. Here is how they looked way back in 2006 ❤️. Mike dirnt literally looks the same, lol. Billie NEEDS to start wearing eyeliner more often, not just during shows. Tre's still rockin the eyeliner 🥰.
    8 points
  23. "Loved seeing this legend" (robhalfordlegacy on Instagram)
    8 points
  24. Ugh I can't believe they didn't win a single one! I was certain they would take home at least one award. Losing to the Stones? Fine, they at least put out a new album. But the Beatles? As far as I know, that was a previously unreleased song and they automatically get nominated? That fucking blows.
    8 points
  25. YES i totally agree. This needs to be about current musicians. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones were great in their time, but now it is time to move on and let current bands be great and win awards.
    8 points
  26. Here's the rest of Billie's first Nagoya post (and a summary of other Osaka posts from the other guys) More pics here https://www.instagram.com/share/p/BAHmP8vB8I More pics here https://www.instagram.com/share/p/BAVpRBb8S5 "Back in Japan 🇯🇵" More pics here https://www.instagram.com/share/reel/_qWmJuV2M More pics here https://www.instagram.com/share/p/_mV7H_bFz From Tre's wife There'll be more pics later when I can get them sorted out (so many pics). Not gonna lie I'm still completely broken that I'm not there as I'm supposed to be because of my health and missing @solongfromthestarsso much 😭
    7 points
  27. Maybe he realized halfway through this leg of the tour that his pants are too big and the only immediate fix he has is multiple belts.
    7 points
  28. This is my reaction to pretty much everything Billie does.
    7 points
  29. I really love how he’s been wearing his hair a bit longer lately. It has a kinda retro look to it and suits him so well. Also, I thank the blonde gods every day that we’ve been blessed with this hair color for so long.
    7 points
  30. https://www.mixonline.com/recording/music-production/cover-story-inside-the-recording-of-green-days-saviors
    7 points
  31. That... was a really special show. Not because of the setlist or whatever (although we did get One of My Lies, RevRad and a snippet of At the Library) but it was just one of those magical times. It was absolutely pissing it down - I'm returning to my hostel twice as heavy because my hair and clothes are so sodden - and that somehow made it even more surreal and magical. I got there at about 12:30 and I was pretty far out, in front of the screen, but I'm so glad I was there because I was surrounded by lovely Malaysian fans who were seeing Green Day for the first time and all that blathering Billie does about unity - I FELT it. I think we all did. Everyone around me was screaming the lyrics, jumping and waving, and whenever I looked behind me the rest of the crowd was going absolutely crazy. I felt like I was seeing Green Day for the first time again because of the vibes all around me. The bloke next to me was worried he wouldn't enjoy the show because he prefers Green Day's slow songs, but we had the same look of awe on our faces when we turned to each other after the show. I asked how it was and he replied 'it was AMAZING!' Agreed. Someone I met in Jakarta (not a Green Day fan, although I almost convinced her to come to the show 😂) asked if I actually remember all these shows and the answer is my expression as this show came to a close. I looked up as the rain was pouring and lightning was flashing as Billie sang Good Riddance, and there was just pure joy and wonder on my face. There isn't any deep story behind me deciding to come to KL. The flight from Jakarta was £30 and the city looked nice on photos so I went for it. I'd had so much bad luck and anxiety since I arrived that I regretted that decision - I was convinced the show was doomed - but wow. It was not.
    7 points
  32. Happy birthday to Billieeee Same! Still the best songwriter, best frontman and best hair in music
    7 points
  33. https://www.instagram.com/share/p/BAFQCCvhle I liked the outfit too. I didn't notice the jeans
    7 points
  34. Had Saviors on repeat today. Still love it as much as the day it came out
    7 points
  35. Green Day changed their profile pic and banner on YouTube.
    7 points
  36. I got the pink Saviors tour football shirt! At the show it was £100 . I'd seen an allegedly signed one on Vinted for £400 lol, along with stuff like the £10 London patch for £75. So I thought getting it was out of the question. But I was looking at newly uploaded Green Day stuff as I often do and it was on there brand new for £50 and I couldn't resist. Totally gonna wear it to actually play football with my nephew and try and think of some other good times to wear it because it's the best
    7 points
  37. Never would have guessed 20 years ago that Billie's hair would still be just as fluffy and magnificent when he's a nearly 53 year old grandparent but here we are The pink shirt is so cute!
    7 points
  38. Billie looked gorgeous in his pink stripped shirt… I love that man in stripes ❤️❤️ https://www.instagram.com/reel/DF2rREMN695/?igsh=dHhmYTZ6MHR3bWk5
    7 points
  39. 7 points
  40. Meh at least that mean Green Day will win a Grammy when they'll be dead.
    7 points
  41. This. They released a new album with new material in the same cycle as Green Day. Sure, I wanted Green Day to win, but it is what is. I wouldn't say they had their time and therefore should be considered as a legacy band.... by that token anyone could say Green Day had their time in the 90's and that they should make way for newer bands. Even people who was born the year AI was released, are 20 years old right now, fully grown adults with the right to vote, so I'm sure plenty of them would feel the same way about Green Day, that they had their time and are a legacy band now. The Beatles though... !! They're just not an artist who is still making new music. I don't buy too much into the argument that it's AI generated, as @RongoIK said I think it's more accurate to think of it as a very powerful noise reduction tool. But it's still their voice, their lyrics, their arrangements, so I'm fine with that. But for me it's more a historical artifact that was restored, than something that should be competing (and winning) against artists who are still making new music. (And I also believe they are overly hyped to begin with).
    7 points
  42. Billie Pose Normal for Once Challenge
    7 points
  43. In a way you can’t feel bad about losing to The Beatles and The Stones but on the other hand, how long are bands going to have to keep losing to the Beatles and the Stones? Like everyone I thought they had the best shot at Dilemma for song that one really hurts. This album may be their last best chance at Grammy recognition. Very sad about it 😢
    7 points
  44. I know it's disappointing but at least they got nominated for 3 categories. Recognising they GD are still around, relevant and loved. Great to see them there. ❤️
    7 points
  45. Kind of saw that one coming when I saw The Beatles was also in the run for that one (This might be my most unpopular opinion ever, but I will never get the crazy hype about The Beatles though). Disappointed about Dilemma not getting rock song though . I had higher hopes for that one.
    7 points
  46. @jengd I agree. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s talented, but I can’t deal with the whisper-singing style she’s so attached to. Still, I think the collab of young, newer artist + 90s artist is really cool and if they wanted to record a studio version, it would probably be a huge boost for FireAid. I get excited when Green Day does stuff with younger artists because I feel like it gives them such great exposure to the younger crowd!
    7 points
  47. Well the Stones I get it (even if I would have still preferred Green Day to win), they released a new album in the the 2023/2024 cycle too.... but The Beatles?
    6 points
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