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Last of the American Girls music video


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I've decided to start a new thread for discussion about the video now that it's out. What do you guys think about the video?

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I had to watch it a few times before I actually got it. It's not one of their best vids but I like it.

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i love it!! yeah the 2 blondes are kinda annoying in it but other than that everything else is epic!!

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I thought it was good. I'm liking it more than I did before. And while the two dancing girls still aren't that appealing to me, I guess I can understand why they're in there after reading some interpretations from people on here.

That car explosion at the end is, by far, the best part. I loved it!

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it's nice... not the best of green day, but it's nice.... i don't really like these blonde dancers, but i loved green day nd especially billie joe! IMFAO!

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it's not my favorite, but it's ok. the two girls dancing are really annoying...

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It's better than I expected, but still not really great. The dancers are just really annoying and the "story" is kinda lame.

I like the way how Billie always looks into the camera though... and yeah, Gloria is kinda hot. :D

But this is just another mediocre video by Marc Webb to me... he really created a masterpiece with the 21st CB video, but this one is pretty much the same category like KYE and 21 Guns, nice but pretty lame.

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I really like it, actually. It's not a video like 21stCB to go all 'OMG THIS IS AWSUM/EPIC :woot:" over, but I really like it nonetheless. It's probably the best kind of video they could've made for it. I don't know if it's gonna be a hit, but I think it's got potential. It's just a pity it isn't a song that really stands out (but well, the vast majority of the hits nowadays don't stand out, and if they do it's because they're so bad) And of course the car explosion is awesome.

I like it more every time I watch it :happy:

I didn't really like the blondes at first, but since I've seen a couple takes on what they stand for and such, I don't mind them anymore.

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It's not their best video but I liked it ^^ And I also think the 2 dancers are a bit annoying but I think I can understand why they are in the vid. I loved the car explosion part :lol:

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It's a good video, not epic as 21st CB, but still really great :) The idea with the desert is pretty sweet :)

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I've already stated my opinions on the video in the other thread, but i'll say it again.

I don't think Green Day put very much effort in this music video, and I didn't like it, and it definately ranks as one of

the worst videos for me.

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And of course the car explosion is awesome.

Why does everybody like that scene so much? :lol: When I saw it for the first time, I was like "Oh nice, that was surprising. =) " but everytime I watched it again, I just felt like it was a bit... I dunno... disproportionate, maybe that's the right word. But I do think that the burning car in the end could be a good way to lead into a Murder City video. :ninja:

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oh, Tre looks younger in the video, like different younger... I don't know how to explain it, but he looks different. :)

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I really like it, actually. It's not a video like 21stCB to go all 'OMG THIS IS AWSUM/EPIC :woot:" over, but I really like it nonetheless. It's probably the best kind of video they could've made for it. I don't know if it's gonna be a hit, but I think it's got potential. It's just a pity it isn't a song that really stands out (but well, the vast majority of the hits nowadays don't stand out, and if they do it's because they're so bad) And of course the car explosion is awesome.

I like it more every time I watch it :happy:

I didn't really like the blondes at first, but since I've seen a couple takes on what they stand for and such, I don't mind them anymore.

i agree!! i get the message in the video that Gloria isnt like all the American girls who wanna stand out, who want to be part of the crowd. She does whatever she wants and tells everyone to fuck off. thats the thing i do like in the video with her being in the middle of the 2 blondes.

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I like it :happy:

But yeah, the two blonde girls are kind of annoying :lol:

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It's okay. I enjoyed it, but it could have been better. It mostly just seemed like eye candy to me. The story was kind of lacking. I'd like to see them start working with some new directors..

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Why does everybody like that scene so much? :lol: When I saw it for the first time, I was like "Oh nice, that was surprising. =) " but everytime I watched it again, I just felt like it was a bit... I dunno... disproportionate, maybe that's the right word. But I do think that the burning car in the end could be a good way to lead into a Murder City video. :ninja:

Because I love explosions! I don't care what the meaning(s) behind it is, I just love explosions so that automatically marks the scene as awesome :lol: (well, obviously I do care about the meaning, but the meaning doesn't take any of the awesomeness of the explosion away)

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The message the video gives is one that I can agree on..... There are people who want to change you, but doesn't matter how hard they try, they will not change you. Those two blonde girls are supposed represent everyone else...

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I think we are going to leave this 21cb-era of green days career with only one good music video, 21st Century breakdown. Not that it bothers me much. I don't know why Green Day is working with this guy though. They didn't learn after the shitty Waiting video? I'm pretty sure Samuel Bayer is done shooting Nightmare On Elm ST, they could have got him again. But then again Samuel Bay did have a couple of clunkers in there. "Hey I have an idea, lets make a video for Jesus Of Suburbia, a video about the main character of the story that we are suppose to root for and make him an unlikeable asshole."

HA HA, I just woke up. I'm not usually so negative.

This video makes the same mistake as 21 Guns, Know Your Enemy, Jesus Of Suburbia and Wake Me Up When September Ends. We want to see the band be part of the story going on in the video, not just being the soundtrack playing. We need shots of them outside of the performing shots. Like walking around like in BOBD, driving and all the other shenanigans in Holiday or simply stabbing a couch like in Longview. The videos where the boys acts are the better videos.

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for the most part i thought the video was okay, but I guessed I imagined it completely different, but whatever it was still good. I didn't get the concept of the video but I guess it was just a life in the day of gloria? I think =/

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