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I was listening to Nimrod on shuffle and came across 'take back'. When he says 'take back' it sounds so metal-y I thought it was fucking Judas Priest 😭 and the next song that comes on (uptight) is mellow and soft so I was so confused 😭😭 the way the guitar sounds, the drums, the singing, everything. it could definitely pass as a metal song to someone who doesn't listen. PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HEARS THIS.

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I wouldn't say metal, just heavier punk. And it is more on the growling side, maybe not full-on metal screaming. I've heard way heavier stuff than "Take Back" lol. That's just how they did the song. It's kind of a pointless topic...

new Green Day fan? no shame if you are :) not at all.

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1 minute ago, BRAIN_STEW1039 said:

@GreenDayJunkie86 it depends on how you look at it but I don't think I'm considered a 'new' fan. I've been a fan for about a year and a half, so no, I'm not a new green day fan.

newish ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

just wanted to ask 

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